
Android studio recyclerview tutorial
Android studio recyclerview tutorial

android studio recyclerview tutorial

Type this code inside your newly Hero.kt file: data class Hero( In New Kotlin File/Class dialog, type Hero inside Name and choose Class inside Kind selection box. Okay good, now we will create a data class called Hero. So basically Adapter will manage our data that will be displayed on each row of RecyclerView. In order to use Android RecyclerView, we have to create a class that will manage our data set and it is called the Adapter. So we’re creating a single RecyclerView inside LinearLayout that fill the entire screen. It is a very basic usage of RecyclerView inside the xml layout. Open activity_main.xml and write the entire code to this code below.

android studio recyclerview tutorial

implementation ':recyclerview-v7:28.0.0'Īfter that Android Studio will prompt you to sync the Gradle so click Sync Now and wait until it finishes. Open your adle file under app directory like this image below:Īdd the following code inside dependencies to import RecyclerView for our app. Wait until the Android Studio finish preparing your project. After that give the Activity Name MainActivity like always. Give the Application Name DCHeroes and don’t forget to check the Include Kotlin Support checkbox. Open your Android Studio and choose Start a new Android Studio Project. The Kotlin version that I used is Kotlin 1.3.11. Note: In this post I used Android Studio 3.2.1 so the appearance might or might not be similar like yours and it’s okay though, but make sure you use the latest Android Studio, or if you already install it, be sure to check the latest update. Who’s DC fans here? Basically it will display the picture, name, and origin of each heroes. Okay, we’re gonna create a simple application to display list of DC superheroes using Android RecyclerView. I won’t talk about it here because the explanation would be long and confuse you, so you could learn it later. You’ll know about it more as you keep learning. It works by recycling the layout when user scroll the data.

android studio recyclerview tutorial

What I mean about enhanced feature is because RecyclerView do the memory efficiency job better. What is RecyclerView?īasically RecyclerView is more like a combination of ListView and GridView with more enhanced feature.

android studio recyclerview tutorial

Well in this chance I will give you a simple tutorial to help you understand how to use RecyclerView to display list of data from me using Kotlin. It is one of powerful widgets to display a list of data in Android. Our application is about to display players data so we need to create Player class with getter/setter methods: // Player.java package pl.fanfatal.Learning to use RecyclerView in Android development is very crucial for every programmers. Next step is to add layout (activity_main.xml) for our MainActivity: Before we start to implement RecyclerView we need to add few dependencies into the project: compile ':appcompat-v7:25.3.1' compile ':recyclerview-v7:25.3.1' compile ':cardview-v7:25.3.1'

Android studio recyclerview tutorial